
“There is in the soul of a child an impenetrable secret that is gradually revealed as it develops”
– Maria Montessori

Pre-Primary (18 months through 3 years)

The Pre-Primary program builds child’s natural tendency towards independence and language development. Therefore this environment is rich in language materials as well as opportunities to practice emerging social skills and independence.

Practical Life area is abundant in materials and activities that foster independence, increase concentration, refine motor skills and build self-esteem. In addition they work on self-care and learn to wash their hands, put on their shoes and jackets. Grace and courtesy lessons are given at all times to encourage respectful treatment of their friends, teachers and the environment.
Under teacher’s careful guidance students can choose activities independently and have freedom of movement to explore. They are provided with ample time to complete what they start and at their own individual pace. The professional staff offers the tenderness, warmth, and patience so essential to this age.