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West Chester Campus
Virtual Tour
International Montessori Schools at West Chester is a gem of a school. The outside environment boasts a natural-style play space, complete with a mud kitchen, a labyrinth built by our students, an appealing playground, and gorgeous trees. First-time visitors often marvel aloud at the peace and beauty of this special campus.
The toddler room is a happy little beehive where the children enjoy exploring nature and working with the Montessori materials under the guiding eye of their teacher. The children take such pleasure in the daily richness of the world around them as they are guided to engage fully with the Earth, their peers, and the “jobs” that so delight the child. One little one may be observing a bird’s nest, while another creates a model of a bird nest out of natural materials. Another child may be carefully making pies in the mud kitchen while others are gathering a collection of leaves for an art project.
In two serenely busy primary rooms children are training their senses by comparing scents, matching wood grains, studying length and width, and aligning color tablets. Some children are coloring sand for an artist design, a few are creating books about their latest research, and still another child is using the Montessori bead system to multiply and divide into the thousands. Across the room, a budding architect creates structures combining the red rods, pink tower, and brown stair while a friend observes quietly.
We invite you to explore IMS at West Chester for yourself by calling and scheduling a tour.
International Montessori Schools – West Chester
1385 Birmingham Road West Chester, PA 19382
(610) 399-6699